Web analyticsBeta

Monitor your website traffic

Web analytics for people who really liked GA3...

Screenshot of web analytics in PostHog
  • gets 30% more data than with GA4

    "Other platforms we looked at dropped data due to adblockers and third-party cookies."

    Read the story
  • switched from Plausible

    "PostHog is way more powerful and insightful than Plausible. We have more info than we used to have."

    Read the story
  • switched from Google Analytics

    "Web analytics gives us all the metrics we really care about. It is so much better than GA4."

    Read the story


  • Top paths

    See the most visited pages on your site

  • Top referrers

    Discover where traffic is coming from

  • Device types

    Break down traffic by device

  • World map

    Visualize users across planet earth

  • Retention cohorts

    Analyze retention by week

  • UTM tracking

    See which campaigns perform best

  • Scroll tracking

    Discover how much users actually read

  • Bounce tracking

    Find out when users immediately get out of dodge

  • Duration tracking

    Monitor how long users are hanging around

Answer all of these questions (and more) with PostHog Web analytics.

  • How many visitors have I had this week?
  • What's my average bounce rate?
  • Where in the world are my visitors coming from?
  • Are my users mostly on mobile, tablet, or desktop?
  • What's my most popular blog post from the last month?
  • What other websites are sending me the most traffic?
  • How many visitors are coming back to my site regularly?

Usage-based pricing

While in beta...

Web analytics is currently bundled with product analytics.

  • First 1 million events every month: Free (get access to both products)
  • After 1 million events/mo: Usage is billed through product analytics. Get access to web analytics at no additional cost.

Cheaper, dedicated pricing for web analytics is coming soon.

PostHog vs...

Pre-configured dashboards
Visitor and view tracking
Session and duration tracking
Bounce rate tracking
Breakdown by GeoIP
Breakdown by device and browser
Real-time reporting
Open source
1st party cookies
No-cookie option
HIPAA compliance
GDPR compliance

So, what's best for you?

Reasons a competitor may be best for you (for now...)

  • You only need web analytics, nothing else
  • You don’t need any integrations other than with Google
  • You need to migrate data from GA4
  • You actually really like GA4 😱

Reasons to choose

  • You want to do more than just web analytics
  • You don't want to spend weeks setting up dashboards
  • You need to comply with HIPAA
  • It's not GA4

Have questions about PostHog?
Ask the community or book a demo.

Featured tutorials

Visit the tutorials section for more.

  • How to create a broken link (404) checker

    This tutorial shows you how to create a broken link checker for a Next.js app that sends a notification in Slack when a user visits a page that doesn’t exist.

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  • How to use PostHog without cookie banners

    Normally, PostHog collects information about your users and stores it in a cookie in the users’ browser. This tutorial explains how to use page memory instead.

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  • An introduction to identifying users

    Many of the most valuable insights require an accurate understanding of the user using your product. This tutorial goes over the different ways to identify users and recommendations on how to do it better.

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  • A non-technical guide to PostHog data

    You don’t need to be an engineer, but knowing the formatting and structure of your data, for example, is key to getting the most out of PostHog as a non-technical user.

    Read more

Explore the docs

Get a more technical overview of how everything works in our docs.

Roadmap & changelog

Here’s what the team is up to.

Latest update

May 2024

Session properties

Session properties enable you to filter, breakdown, and analyze session-level data such as:

  • Entry URL, UTMs, and click IDs
  • Exit URLs
  • Session pageview and autocapture count
  • Bounce rate and session duration

All this is automatically captured when you use the JavaScript Web library with autocapture.

Up next

Check out the company roadmap to see what we're working on next!


See more questions (or ask your own!) in our community forums.

  • Question / Topic

Pairs with...

PostHog products are natively designed to be interoperable using Product OS.

This is the call to action.

If nothing else has sold you on PostHog, hopefully these classic marketing tactics will.


PostHog Cloud

Digital download*

PostHog Cloud
People on G2 think we're great

by Kim K

*PostHog is a web product and cannot be installed by CD.
We did once send some customers a floppy disk but it was a Rickroll.

  • Select your cloud
  • Starts at:
    $0Free>1 left at this price!!

Hurry: Tons of companies signed up . Act now and get $0 off your first order.